
Departure Day

Saturday March 14
The last day is always a hiatus, especially for an evening flight. After breakfast, Pam and I birded the garden mainly from the pool area. Mid morning we strolled back towards the Lodge to find Peter ensconced with the group who had birded the Trails. We'd just missed a brief visit from a Creamy-bellied Thrush, which would have been a tick.It's been missing all week until now. Peter read out the results of the group's 'Top 3 birds' poll. Blond-crested Woodpecker, Seriema and Spot-billed Toucanet, in that order. Incredible list to have to make, in the end my choice was rather arbitrary.
Having finished packing and showered, settled our laundry and cold drinks bill and paid into the staff gratuities box,we lunched at 12.30, said our goodbyes and drove to the airport.
As always, I had to unpack my camera gear etc and my bionic knees set off the alarms going through Xray.
A very small airport with few shops and facilities. Plans to buy decent postcards and presents for my grandchildren were binned. Couldn't find either in the 3 suitable shops available. Well, I could have bought Harry a Tshirt but baulked at paying £20.
Rio - Paris AF443
Dep. 1750 Arrive 0835 on the 15th
Paris - Heathrow - AF1280
Dep. 10.00 Arrive 10.15
We read, had a drink and had an uneventful flight to Paris, both of us had more sleep than ever before on a night flight. Thank you Nytol and a bad last night.
It's always difficult to find people to say goodbye at the end of a trip, especially this time as only six of us were flying on to London. Chris and Helena left by taxi this morning to see Rio City and to catch a later flight. Judy and Roger flew to Glasgow via Amsterdam, John to Manchester.
Lindsay, Jeremy, Stephen, Alex and ourselves said our farewells at the luggage collection carousel - all our luggage was there as we arrived. A record. Because we were so prompt we had to wait nearly 20 minutes for our car to be delivered but it still saved us time and effort.
Apart from shopping at Thetford Sainsbury's we drove straight home, had a good journey and were in, to a mountain of post and welcoming cats, early afternoon.
Total trip Birds : 228
Life birds: 92

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